831-421-9440 info@elementsmfg.com

A critical detail: panel edges

Polyurethane edgeband glue is a game-changer

The edge of a panel or cabinet is a big deal. It has to look good and be durable for the long haul. At Elements, beautiful, durable edges are the norm thanks in large part to PUR (polyurethane) edgeband adhesive. “We started using PUR in 2016” says Alan Stormes, VP and Founder of Elements Manufacturing. “We were one of the first in the country to try it and are still one of the few in California using it. It’s really been a game changer for us.”

PUR has many advantages over traditional edgeband glue, beginning with stick. “The stuff bonds in a way that other glues simply can’t, and it doesn’t loose the bond over time. It’s really a game changer for panels that rely on that banded edge” says Stormes. In addition to a tight bond, PUR is water resistant and doesn’t show a glue line. “Humid environments have always been a challenge for cabinet shops. PUR has changed that” says Stormes.

Elements uses a Holz-her Glu-Jet system to adhere and trim banded panels. The result are panels that can look like solid cut lumber. “Our panels look so good – they can fool you into thinking you are looking at solid wood” says Alejandro Esqueda, Shop Foreman at Elements.

PUR does come with one downside; if left in the pots inside the machine over night it will harden and cannot be removed, resulting in replacement of the pots. “We clean the pots every night” says Esqueda. “It’s a bit of work but worth when you see how good our panel edges look. We’ll never go back.”